Nuclear Structure
Experimental study
- Lifetime of the first 2+ excited state in 124Ba
(Univ.Tsukuba, Tandem Accel.Center, Ann.Rept., 1996 (1997) 43-46;
UTTAC-64 (1997))
- 反跳距離法を用いた励起状態の寿命測定
(原子核研究 Vol. 42, No. 3 (1998) 39-41)
- Measurement of the lifetime of the first 2+ state in 124Ba
(European Physical Journal A2 (1998) 13-15)
abstract is
Theoretical study
Ba 同位体における B(E2;0+=>2+) の系統的研究
(原研研究会『ガンマ線分光のフロンティア』July 23(Thu)-24(Fri), 1998 報告書)
related paper (my proudest one) is
- Michiaki Sugita, Koji Uchiyama, Kohei Furuno
"Quadrupole deformation of barium isotopes"
(Physics Letters B 440, Vol. 3-4 (1998) 239-245)
- Collective states of neutron-deficient doubly even barium isotopes
(RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 33 (2000) 73)
The preparation of a flat target foil for recoil-distance lifetime measurements
(Univ.Tsukuba, Tandem Accel.Center, Ann.Rept., 1996 (1997) 10-12;
UTTAC-64 (1997))
Measurement and simulation of the GARIS quadrupole magnet
(RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 32 (1999) 157)
Development of a new photon detector system for nuclide identification
(RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 33 (2000) 161-162)
New experimental technique
Plan for lifetime measurements of excited states using the recoil
decay tagging technique with gas-filled recoil separator
(RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 32 (1999) 59-60)
Last up date: 2001/04/01