= 日本語版 =============================================================
英語版はこちら/English Version
1996年 もうひとつの平和宣言 ////////////////////////////
みな無差別に殺されました。 アメリカ合州国政府は原爆投下を正当なものと主張し続けています。
いません。 私たちは今なお膨大な核兵器と、いつ事故を起こすかもしれない原子力発電所
の脅威の中で暮らしています。 核独占のためのNPT体制のもとで、フランス政府と中国政府が連続的な核実
験を実施しようとしています。 自国の安全・防衛だけを考えようとする幻想を組織化した論理が「核抑止論」
私たちは、被爆地広島から訴えます。 ● 沖縄民衆の「基地のない平和な島」をめざす運動に連帯して、政府が検討
● 自衛隊のゴラン高原派兵に反対し、42年間軍拡し続けた自衛隊を軍縮に転
換させ、軍事費削減を実現しましょう。 ● 中国電力の上関原発建設・島根原発増設に反対し、プルトニウム大国への
道をとめましょう。 ● 三菱広島・元徴用工被爆者裁判の勝利をめざし、在外被爆者支援の輪を広
げましょう。 私たちは、日本国憲法公布50周年にあたり、「われらは、全世界の国民が、ひ
1996年8月6日 平和に生きる社会を創る市民有志
責任発行:平和に生きる社会を創るヒロシマのつどい (代表 松江 澄)
連絡先:〒733 広島市西区天満町13-1-709 広島実行委員会
TEL:082-232-4831 FAX:082-295-1541 E-mail:
jyamada@jca.or.jp **********************************************************************
= English Version ====================================================== ////////////////////////////////// ALTERNATIVE PEACE DECLARATION 1996 ////////////////////////////////// August 6, 1996 Fifty-one years ago today, Hiroshima, then a military city, was made barren in a moment. Everyone - young, old and babies, healthy and sick, women and men, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and European - were indiscriminately killed.The government of the United States of America still continues to insist on the necessity of the Atomic bombing. The Japanese government has not shown repentance over the war of aggression in Asia, not has it paid compensation to the victims and their families.We still live under the threat of a tremendous number of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants which may cause accidents under the non- proliferation treaty which only allows nuclear weapons to the nuclear powers, the governments of France and China had the audacity to repeat nuclear testings, and the government of the United States of America is planning to carry out "sub-critical nuclear experiment," which sounds unfamiliar. "The theory of nuclear deterrance" is based on an illusion of "national security and self-protection." What could break through this theory is an international peoples* movement where citizens refuse to get involved in conflicts among states, and deter the egoism of governments, and work toward the security of citizens while respecting the dignity of individual lives. >From Hiroshima, the A-bombed city, we make the following appeal: - In solidarity with the movement of the people of Okinawa who are working for "peaceful islands without military bases," let's work to stop the special bill being studied by our government to force the use of land forAmerican military bases. - Let's oppose sending Japanese Self-defense Forces to Golan Heights, and work for disarmament by achieving a cut in the military budget which, for the last forty-two years, has always been on the increase. - Let's stop the drive to becoming the Plutonium Super-power by opposing the construction by the Chugoku Electric Company of the Kaminoseki and Shimane nuclear power plants. - Let's widen the network of support for A-bomb survivors overseas, and win the suit of the former forced workers against the Hiroshima Plant of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. On the fiftieth anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution of Japan, we declare that we shall work toward peace-oriented social alternatives, recognizing "that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want (Preamble to the Japanese Constitution)," and request your support for our effort. ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Please send us your support or comment for Alternative Peace Declaration. **************************************************************** Hiroshima Conference for Peace-Oriented Social Alternatives (Director: MATSUE Kiyoshi) Address: Hiroshima Steering Committee, 13-1-709 Temma-cho, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733 Japan FAX:+81-82-295-1541 E-mail: jyamada@jca.or.jp ****************************************************************