雑記帳 (Miscellaneous information)
Up date: 04/10/17
- /Walnut Scale:くるみスケール/
- Walnut scale models are restricted only by a maximum wing span of 18
- 〜45.72cm
- /Open Scale/
Models with a 36 inch maximum wingspan qualify for the open division
- /Jumbo Scale /
When the wingspan exceeds 36 inches
- /Power Scale /
- These contests are usually divided by size and by power source. The
divisions are decided ahead of time and advertised as such. For example,
a contest include Peanut Scale CO2, Open Scale Electric, Jumbo Scale Gas.
- 翼長が16〜20インチ(〜センチ)のスケールモデル
- the wingspan does not exceed 16 inches, the plan fits on an 11 x 17
piece of paper,
- and wood sizes smaller than 1/16 are not used.
- /Legal Eagle/
- sheet 8-1/2" x 14".
Single side covering on flight
- ,,
- 翼幅12〜13インチ(30〜33センチ)のスケールモデル
- Peck-Polymers----http://www.peck-polymers.com/
- Diels Engineering---http://pageproducer.acninc.net/dielsengr/
- MICRX-----------
- ACKUS-----------http://www.ackus.de/Index-page6.htm
- /No-Cal/
- short for "No-Calorie", which is another way of describing
"skinny", or profile models.
Rapier-powered model